flood, LoRa module, GSM moduleAbstract
Mountainous areas are vulnerable to flood disasters due to high rainfall, overflowing rivers and the risk of landslides. Limited communication infrastructure and difficult access are challenges in detecting flooding in this area. The use of LoRa modules as a long-distance communication solution becomes relevant in this context as it offers a suitable communication solution for mountainous areas where access to cellular networks or Wi-Fi is limited. It is hoped that the development of a flood detection tool with the LoRa module can provide an effective monitoring system for potential flooding in hard-to-reach areas. The method used in this research consists of literature study, checking each piece of hardware used, designing the tool, testing the tool, getting test results, and drawing conclusions from the tests carried out. Based on the test results, the flood detection tool can detect water levels and the LoRa module can work well at a distance of 20 meters. The GSM module will send a message in the form of water level parameters detected by the sensor and a buzzer will sound as a flood warning sign when the water level detected by the ultrasonic sensor is < 27 cm and the water level sensor is > 4 cm.
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