Voltage drop, Voltage drop percentage, Etap 19Abstract
Currently, electricity needs are the main needs for all levels of society, so that electricity needs in all these sectors can be met, a reliable electric power system is needed so that electricity supply can be maintained and evenly distributed to all regions in need. Electric power systems can be classified into three main parts, namely; power generation and electric power distribution. The feeder of the Regent of the National Police is one of the repeaters in the area of PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Sentani, sourced from the Harapan substation, where the feeder of the Regent of the National Police supplied 47 distribution substations. The calculation of voltage drop is needed in order to find out the electrical energy lost in the feeder of the Regent of the police station. The data processing method is divided into two methods, namely manually and using etap. Total voltage drop on the feeder of the Regent of the PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Sentani is 341.26 volts with a total percentage of voltage drop value of 1.7184%. The largest voltage drop occurs on bus 7, which is 121.271 volts, because bus 7 is a branch to channel 2 buses, namely bus 8 and bus 10 so that it has the largest voltage drop. With a total percentage of voltage drop value of 1.7184%, which is still within the tolerance limit in accordance with the voltage drop standard set in SPLN No.72 of 1987, which is less than 5%. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the loading and distance between substations in order to reduce voltage drops that occur, continuous network maintenance must be carried out so that voltage drops can be known and what occurs. Can be a reference material for PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Sentani reduces the occurrence of voltage drops.
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SPLN No. 72 Tahun 1987 (Spesifikasi Desain Untuk JTM dan JTR)
SPLN No. 64 tahun 1995 (Impedansi Kawat Penghantar)
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